Whatever your age or current state of health, you may not always be able to make decisions and look after your own affairs. A person of any age can suffer an accident or illness that may permanently or temporarily limit their ability to manage their own affairs.
A Queensland Enduring Power of Attorney is a document that we can prepare
for you to give someone else the power to make personal or financial decisions
on your behalf.
We strongly recommend all adults have an Enduring Power of Attorney in place.
While we don’t currently offer an online, lawyer checked Enduring Power of Attorney service we can provide one in addition to your online Will with some simple instructions that can be taken over the phone.
Advance Health Directives
An Advance Health Directive, like an Enduring Power of Attorney, is a formal way of giving instructions for your future health care, and comes into effect only if your are unable to make your own decisions. It contains far more precise directions as to your health care than the general powers provided under an Enduring Power of Attorney.
Advance Health Directives are most often prepared prior to someone being admitted to hospital or when someone is suffering a serious, life threatening or terminal illness. It is critical that an Advance Health Directive be completed with advice from your usual doctor or specialist. It is also important that this form be correctly witnessed but, strictly speaking, legal advice is not required.
For more information on Advance Health Directives and to download the form visit the Queensland Attorney General website here.